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COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Health Updates

In recent weeks, there has been increasing concern on the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) across the US. To keep you and your loved ones safe, we continue to recommend the following best practices:

  • wash your hands every time you see a sink
  • sneeze or cough into your elbow
  • if you get sick, consider wearing a mask, to discourage airborne transmission and spread of the virus
  • don't panic. It won't do any good, and just makes you feel bad.

Current Treatments 

The new Corona virus - COVID-19 - already has potential treatments - it' does not appear to be the "doomsday virus" that some have made it out to be. These drugs are currently available and in use for other conditions - but can easily be repurposed to treat this new scary viral threat. Chloroquine - in the form of hydroxychloroquine sulfate, aka Plaquenil, is widely available, and is currently used to treat conditions as varied as rheumatoid arthritis, several other autoimmune disease, and Lyme disease. Remdesivir, an antiviral drug used to treat Ebola, is not so available, but has been shown to stop viral growth in vitro (in a petri dish).

And there are always the homeopathic remedies that I discussed a couple of days ago.

What they are doing in China:

Good information about the virus here:

Best wishes, if you get sick - and before you get REALLY sick - please call and come in for ozone/Vitamin C. Wear a mask so you don't potentially infect our staff. 😊

A Brief History... 

Information on the Corona Virus and its various permutations - the current one being COVID-19. The Lancet just published a good article on it, well worth reading. We have had SARS in 2002. Then we had MERS-CoV) in 2012. Now we have yet another permutation of this corona virus, and we call it COVID-19. All these virus hijack the protein-building mechanism of our own cells, essentially forcing our cells to make more viral protein instead of our own proteins. In a sense, it's a battle between classical music lovers and rap music lovers, to see who has the loudest voice and the most staying power.

The first epidemic, SARS-CoV, ended abruptly in 2003, about a year after it started, and has not been seen since.

The second epidemic, MERS-CoV, was transmitted initially through Dromedary camels, and continues to circulate among both humans and camels sporadically.

Now we are in to the third epidemic, COVID-19, which started in Wuhan, China and is ongoing, creating panic around the world.

The virus appears to cause such severe illness because our bodies are stimulated to produce an excessive and prolonged immune response, similar to what we are seeing in our population right now, only in people we call it "panic buying". Our bodies produce excessive very efficient inflammatory cells, which end up damaging our organs (specifically our lungs) without actually having the intended effect of killing the viruses.

We hope that our bodies will get the message, and start producing those proteins needed to kill the viruses, before the viruses produce enough of the proteins needed to kill us.

Time will tell.

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