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6 Things You Should Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

upset stomach

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a much more common condition than many people are aware. Affecting over 200,000 people each year, IBS is an intestinal disorder causing constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and pain in the belly. The cause isn’t well understood, but IBS can be treated by managing stress, diet, and lifestyle.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. IBS can be painful. Just because IBS doesn’t cause actual damage to your colon doesn’t mean that it isn’t serious. IBS can cause significant discomfort and these symptoms should be addressed.
  2. IBS is different from Crohn’s disease and Colitis. All of these conditions affect the digestive system, but not in the same way. It is important to see a doctor as soon as you notice changes in your digestive system to get the right diagnosis and treatment.
  3. Even healthy foods can trigger IBS. Healthy dairy products and some vegetables, like Brussels sprouts or broccoli, can actually make IBS symptoms worse. If you have IBS, you should keep track of how certain foods affect you and remove problematic foods from your diet.
  4. IBS symptoms can come and go. Although IBS is a chronic disease without a cure, symptoms can come and go over time. Constant preventative measures are the most effective way to keep symptoms at bay.
  5. IBS is more common in women than in men. Some researchers believe that because more women than men are affected by IBS that hormones may be a factor.
  6. Probiotics may help. Probiotic supplements may be an effective way to control symptoms of IBS by increasing the presence of good bacteria in the digestive system. Probiotic supplements can be found at most major retailers.

If you suffer from symptoms that may indicate IBS, Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine may be able to help you find relief. To schedule an appointment with a Scottsdale integrative medicine professional, please call us at (480) 418-0220.
